Core Team

Ms. Sophia Sze

Senior Consultant

Solicitor of HKSAR, 2011

Area of Practice

Regulatory Compliance →
Merger and Acquisition →

Ms. Sophia Sze

Senior Consultant

Sophia was qualified in Hong Kong in 2011. She attained her Degree in Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University (Washington D.C., U.S.A.) in 2001 majoring in Finance and actively involved in several investment banks and private banks in Hong Kong until she was awarded her JurisDoctor degree in 2008 and completed her Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) thereafter in 2009 at the City University of Hong Kong. Sophia received her solicitor’s (articles) training at the Hong Kong and Shanghai offices of a multinational law firm. Prior to joining the firm, she was also the Compliance & Legal officer for a Cayman Island registered private investment fund.

Her areas of practice extends from IPO listing, Corporate M&As, to Share Repurchases, Resumption of Hong Kong Listed Shares and SFC licenses regulations. She was an appointed adjudicator of the Obscene and Indecent Articles Tribunal of the HKSAR Government from 2009 to 2016 and is also a member of the Law Society’s Panel of Solicitors to provide Pro Bono Legal Advice on Building Management for the Home Affairs Department since 2018.